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The rating system at is provided by Mann & Schröder GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 14, 74936 Siegelsbach, Germany (‘Mann & Schröder’). By entering a rating and/or comment, you accept the following conditions. Do not enter a rating and/or comment if you do not want to accept the following conditions. We reserve the right to revise these conditions. Please therefore read these terms and conditions of use every time you submit a rating and/or comment.
A. Submitting a rating
1. The rating function allows you to rate individual products or gift sets from Mann & Schröder. Your ratings for products or gift sets reflect your own opinion and not that of Mann & Schröder GmbH. Mann & Schröder hereby explicitly distances itself from the content of these ratings.
2. When you enter a rating and/or comment, your first name is transmitted to Mann & Schröder. Instead of your real first name (a required field), you may enter a pseudonym. Entering your email address is optional. Your email address will never be publicly visible. Mann & Schröder may use your email address to contact you in order to verify the rating you have submitted.
3. You enter a rating by awarding stars. You may award between one and five stars. One star is the worst rating, five stars is the best. You may also write a comment: Use the comment field for this.
B. Use of the rating
1. By submitting a rating and/or comment, you are transferring to Mann & Schröder the permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive right, free from any licence fee:
a. to use, copy, revise, publish, translate, make available to third parties, distribute, make publicly available and reproduce the rating and/or comment (in whole or in part) either online or offline (e.g. in print media or catalogues), and to integrate it into other works in whatever form (any media or technology, existing or not yet developed).
2. This means, for example (not exhaustive), that Mann & Schröder may publish the rating and/or comment and permit third parties to use the rating and/or comment for advertising purposes (for example in its advertising or for marketing).
C. Content of the comments
Comments may not have any content which:
a. is a punishable offence or encourages or incites a criminal act;
b. is unlawful;
c. is threatening, pestering, insulting, deceitful, libellous, misleading, racist, discriminatory, glorifies violence, is offensive, obscene or pornographic;
d. violates or infringes the rights of third parties (including all intellectual property rights, e.g. copyright or trademarks);
e. is technically harmful, e.g. contains malicious code;
f. contains confidential data and/or violates or infringes third parties’ right to privacy;
g. misleads others about your identity (especially by passing yourself off as someone else);
h. is not true;
i. serves to advertise other websites, products or services (for example integrating phone numbers, email addresses or links is not permitted);
j. is off-topic, i.e. not about the actual product, but relating for example to your experience with specific retailers;
k. is not based on your own experience with the product.
D. Responsibility for content/corrections
1. Mann & Schröder does not continuously monitor ratings for unlawful content, either before or after they are published. However, Mann & Schröder reserves the right to permanently delete your rating and/or comment if it violates the content rules listed in Section C.
2. For information on use of your personal data, please see our Privacy policy. For general questions, please contact the webmaster (see Contact us).