climate-neutral company

We are a 100%climate-neutral company

As a German family-owned company, we place great value on the careful use of natural resources to preserve the foundations of life. This is why we are committed to sustainability targets for our whole value-added chain that go above and beyond legal regulations and provisions. We focus on the environment and comprehensive climate protection throughout the whole process, from raw materials and research right through to production and product logistics.

We place particular importance on decreasing our CO2 emissions. Our company’s emissions are measured every year and we are constantly working on reducing them.

Since 2017, our company has even been certified a 100 % climate-neutral company by ClimatePartner.

What does it mean to be climate-neutral?

Climate-neutral companies, products and processes are distinguished by the fact that their CO2 emissions are offset by internationally recognised climate protection projects.

We have our company's emissions recorded and measured each year in accordance with international standards, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The sum of all our emissions adds up to our Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF).

Our aim is to keep on reducing our CO2 footprint. We offset any CO2 emissions we cannot avoid by supporting internationally recognised climate protection projects, and our efforts have culminated in being certified a 100% climate-neutral company by ClimatePartner since 2017.


Our climate protection project: clean drinking water for Kenya

To offset our CO2 emissions, we support a climate protection project called “Clean drinking water for Kenya”. This project purifies drinking water in rural areas in Kenya to provide for local families.


Contaminated water and lacking sanitary provisions in Africa lead to life-threatening diseases and represent the second highest cause of death on the continent. To protect themselves, many people boil water on an open coal or wood fire, usually within an enclosed space. The resulting smoke causes dangerous respiratory illnesses. These fires also produce CO2 emissions and, in some regions, large areas of forest are cut down for firewood.

The project treats drinking water to make it drinkable for 72 hours.

This saves 45,000 tonnes of CO2 a year. It also reduces the amount of wood used for burning, thus protecting local forests and biodiversity. In addition, the local population save the cost of the firewood and the often significant time needed to procure the wood.